Erica Tieppo
Frank Caldwell, Newberry, Michigan
Sarah Dobbrastine, Central Lake, Michigan
Sarah Romanik, Shelby Township, Michigan
Jon Fulton, Beulah, Michigan
Suzie Harris, Dodgeville, Michigan
Timothy Kimball, South Boardman, Michigan
Melinda Hayes, Jim Falls, Wisconsin
Lucy Tyrrell, Bayfield, Wisconsin
Jana Roberts, Wetmore, Michigan
I fell in love with the concept watching Iron Will in 1994. I enjoyed working with family dogs and an old wooden sled as a child, but the dream became a reality in 2020. From one dog, to four, to now 12 rescued Malamute crosses.
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin
Training in Montana we hit whiteout conditions and the team started to slow up as a result…all but one little white dog. Rags came to me when Gwenn Bogart retired, originally Doug Swingley bred, and she had only ever been a team dog. But that day, she was pushing harder than all the others, so I tossed her up front. From that day forward, she has taken the team over 1,000 miles in training and is one of the most reliable leaders I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is also 35lbs soaking wet - most of her team mates are 60-70lbs.
Ryan Roberts, Wetmore, Michigan
My wife, Jana, started out with a small team within a few months I joined her on the trail. Now we are both training 10-12 dog teams.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Michigan and Wisconsin
One of my favorite races was Warm Lake Stage Race - this was a 54-mile race, with two days of 26 mile out and back. The first day, the trail was marked wrong and the teams all turned around at the 13-mile turn. The second day, we were directed onto the correct trail, and it was 7 miles straight up from the valley. My dogs pushed hard, and we placed 2nd against some very strong competition - I was also only racing 6 dogs against the other teams of 8.
James Moyer, Baldwin, Michigan
Michigan Tech Mushing Club, Houghton, MI