
Erica Tieppo

Kennel Name: Mother North Mushing
Number of Years Racing: 25


Frank Caldwell, Newberry, Michigan

Kennel Name: TC Kennels
Number of Years Racing: 28


Sarah Dobbrastine, Central Lake, Michigan

Kennel Name: Second Chance Mushers
Number of Years Racing: 0


Sarah Romanik, Shelby Township, Michigan

Kennel Name: Shorty Creek
Number of Years Racing: 4


Jon Fulton, Beulah, Michigan

Kennel Name: Rohn's Runners
Number of Years Racing: 0


Suzie Harris, Dodgeville, Michigan

Kennel Name: Potluck Pups
Number of Years Racing: 5


Timothy Kimball, South Boardman, Michigan

Kennel Name: Kimball's Kennel
Number of Years Racing: 27


Melinda Hayes, Jim Falls, Wisconsin

Kennel Name: Bob Creek Kennel
Number of Years Racing: 8


Lucy Tyrrell, Bayfield, Wisconsin

Kennel Name: Raven's Wing Kennel
Number of Years Racing: 26


Jana Roberts, Wetmore, Michigan

Kennel Name: Spirit Dream Racing
Sponsors: Inspired Development LLC
Major Breed or Bloodline: Rescued Malamute Crosses
Lead Dog(s): Rags, Rainlily and Bjarki
Number of Years Racing: 5

How or why did you get involved in Sled Dog Racing?

I fell in love with the concept watching Iron Will in 1994. I enjoyed working with family dogs and an old wooden sled as a child, but the dream became a reality in 2020. From one dog, to four, to now 12 rescued Malamute crosses.

Where have you raced?

Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin

Have a training or race experience to share?

Training in Montana we hit whiteout conditions and the team started to slow up as a result…all but one little white dog. Rags came to me when Gwenn Bogart retired, originally Doug Swingley bred, and she had only ever been a team dog. But that day, she was pushing harder than all the others, so I tossed her up front. From that day forward, she has taken the team over 1,000 miles in training and is one of the most reliable leaders I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is also 35lbs soaking wet - most of her team mates are 60-70lbs. 


Ryan Roberts, Wetmore, Michigan

Kennel Name: Ryan Roberts
Sponsors: Inspired Development, LLC
Major Breed or Bloodline: Alaskan Husky, Frank Holmberg
Lead Dog(s): Irma, Drake and Apollo
Number of Years Racing: 5

How or why did you get involved in Sled Dog Racing?

My wife, Jana, started out with a small team within a few months I joined her on the trail. Now we are both training 10-12 dog teams.

Where have you raced?

Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Michigan and Wisconsin

Have a training or race experience to share?

One of my favorite races was Warm Lake Stage Race - this was a 54-mile race, with two days of 26 mile out and back. The first day, the trail was marked wrong and the teams all turned around at the 13-mile turn. The second day, we were directed onto the correct trail, and it was 7 miles straight up from the valley. My dogs pushed hard, and we placed 2nd against some very strong competition - I was also only racing 6 dogs against the other teams of 8.


James Moyer, Baldwin, Michigan

Michigan Tech Mushing Club, Houghton, MI